Journey are a way of life!! A man with Machine
Journeys are a way of life. We wade through life looking for a purpose, seeking one milestone after another, looking for destinations but realizing that very often than not, there is no end to a journey. For a vagabond like me, my alter ego lies in a spirit that is lost in a open roads, running down the hills, getting soaked in waters and reliving the past in a monument. In one moment many years ago, I remember when I was growing up I had a dream,, Having never ridden a motorcycle, or known anyone who had one, this idea might have seemed absurd on its face. After racing with the collage biking team in first year, that was the point I loved the speed, the open roads and the the bike which is my personality. It is who I am. It represents freedom and adrenaline; it separates me from the squares. So just before Valentine's Day, and finally this summer I gifted myself my dream machine.... I’m often asked why I travel. Am I am escapist, shunning civilization? Do I want to run away from t...