When Cousin Sister's wedding was announced and that too in Panaji, Goa, I was happy and excited at the thought of getting a chance to travel to Goa again. Marriage was on April 11th, and I had a reason to ride. I had 3 days in hand, a wedding to attend and also on the agenda being able meet all the people who mean entire world to me; My family, Friends and Relatives’ all at one place; And what a place "GOAAAAAAAAAAAAAA".
Well I've lost count of the times I have been to Goa; but each time; I desire to unwind and let my hands down on my wheels, I know I'd end at this coastal paradise. Miles and miles of golden sun kissed beaches fringed by coconut palm trees lapped by the waves of the sea, it seems like Goa was created as a tiny image of Heaven on earth. Over the years I've known that the true experience of Goa can be enjoyed by spending the day lazing on the beach till the sun sets and frolicking through the night at open air beaches.
I would have loved to have the Goa even closer to Hubli (Hubli to Panaji - 182 Kilometers), Each time I had a valid reason for bunking Classes; and accelerating 3 hour ride to Goa with friends; Away from the din and bustle of the economic hub of Karnataka...Which Makes me want to live here forever and bury myself into nature’s luxury...
Places visited during the three day bike trip to Goa
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