Do's and Donts!!!!!
Do’s and Don’ts for Bike lovers!!!!!
I'm a biking spree that’s fascinating Na!!!, Well it all stated from school days, I love touring on bikes; It’s never ending love between man and machine which groomed as time passed by... After a considerable riding experience almost 10 years; I would love to share with you a few Do's and Don'ts for bikers and bike lovers who love touring on Bikes:
On Roads…
1) Never drink or take drugs and try to ride a motorcycle.
2) Don't try to keep up with your friends who may be more experienced. Know your personal limits.
3) Do not give in to road rage and try to "get even" with another rider or motorist.
4. Ride assuming that you are totally invisible to motorists.
5) Leave plenty of space in front and back and to the sides from all other vehicles.
6. Anticipate trouble situations and know what to do when you see them.
7) Beware of motorists turning left in front of you at intersections.
8) Slow down before you enter an intersection and be prepared to make an evasive maneuver if necessary.
9) Don't ride if you are on medication that makes you sleepy.
10) Beware of riding into sun glare.
11) Beware of taking curves that you can't see around. A parked truck or a patch of sand may be awaiting you.
12). If someone is tailgating you, either speed up to open more space or pull over and let them pass.
14) Take proper halts: It’s necessary to give both the vehicle & your self regular break, you’re not on a racing circuit so enjoy the scenery on the way & make your trip more memorable…
15) Use proper signaling: The signaling on the highways is in way or the other different than that in city.
Some of the signaling techniques used on highway;
a) Most of the bus\truck drivers who are going at constant speeds keep their right indicator blinking, this means that the person from behind may not need to honk & can simply overtake that bus\truck
b) Never overtake any vehicle without getting a clear signal from him the signal could be either a right go ahead signal or a right indicator, he may also ask you not to overtake & that could be due to various reasons such as an oncoming vehicle, he might himself be trying to overtake a vehicle in front of it
c) After overtaking try to give a left indicator if you are going back to the left most lane this is necessary specially in those cases where your overtaking a vehicle & the oncoming vehicle is nearing you fast.
d) an exemption to point b could be that sometimes when you can see that there is no oncoming traffic & the vehicle in front of you is not giving you any pass signal to go ahead, you can safely overtake it as he may not be giving signal due to no oncoming traffic
e) Use headlight pass switch for overtaking & also for stopping or slowing an oncoming vehicle which is overtaking & you feel is coming direct towards you
f) Use proper high or low beam while drivingg) You may keep your headlights on in daytime if you are on a road where you have to overtake frequentlyh) Do not honk unnecessarily if the vehicle in front of you gets pissed then he may not let you overtake
If you are touring on bike make sure
1) Vehicle Check up: regular check tier pressure, Engine oil level, Brakes, and make sure all the cables are in proper shape, engine tune up, electrical check up stuff which all of us know.
What Stuff To Carry?
1) A long nylon rope: It will be needed for toeing your or sum1 else's vehicle in case of a brake down, or even for tying any extra baggage you might have acquired during the journey. You must have approx. 20 feet of nylon rope so that it can be doubled for more strength.
2) A pack of engine oil & coolant: These two are the most probable components which you may run out of in a journey or you may not found the one you use regularly
3) Additional tyre tube: In case of puncture in an area where you may find a puncture shop who doesn't have proper sealant for repairing the puncture or if you are in hurry.
4) Music: Lovely songs which do not induce you to sleep & which keep you active.
5) Duplicate Keys: Always carry these & keep it in bags during the journey you may lose one of them.
6) Mobile phone with roaming facility: Helpful in contacting any one in case of distress7) Some Weapons of small destruction: this is again very important if you run into some mess….
8) A tent just in case bikes broke down in night where you spend a night at some abode..
9) Some Food, Water and Cell phone always you never know what’s there at the right turn?...
Happy riding, Ride safe and Have fun while travelling, and remember As there is some one always waiting for you!!!!!!! …..
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